Due to the May Bank Holiday, Stoneworld will be Closed on Monday 6th of May – Reopening as usual on Tuesday 7th of May

Bespoke Sandstone Planter

Here’s a beautiful project we were happy to create for a much loved couple!

Our MD’s parents celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary -yes that’s 60 years! We used the expertise across our whole team to produce this bespoke planter for their garden.

At Stoneworld we have a great team of skilled people who are able to work stone into anything required.  Here we have taken a solid Teak Sandstone block- beautiful in its own right, and using the skills and tools at our disposal in the masonry factory, made it into a totally unique garden planter to celebrate a very special occasion.

Our Teak sandstone blocks are a beautiful tactile garden ornament, measuring  60cm on each side. They can be used for a variety of decorative effects in the garden.

For this project, the unique design was programmed into the digital stone carver, by our digital mason. Work then began over several hours, carving in to the stone block.  First the relief frames were carved, followed by the inscription.  A unique message was  carved on each of the 4 sides.

After the exterior carving was completed, the partially hollowed out carver was removed from the robot, and work continued using hand held tools to remove further stone mass from the centre.

Here you can see the finished result. A totally unique way to remember a very special occasion! Happy Anniversary Sheila and Gerry- we hope you enjoy your planter!

If you would like to create a unique feature in stone for your home, please call us to discuss your idea. We also have a range of ready made stone planters. These can also be inscribed if required.

We can advise and help you to design what you have in mind.  Get in touch today on 01844 279274 or email us at sales@stoneworld.co.uk and we will be happy to help.

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